Juniperus Rigida
Published by Unknown under Ginepro, Juniper, rigida on 12:59Per il seminario di quest'ultimo weekend del Bonsai Do Groane oltre al procumbens di cui vi ho già parlato avevo anche aquistato questo ginepro rigida.
Una pianta tutt'altro che attraente ma sulla quale volevo provare uno stile più vicino al litterati senza spendere una follia.
La pianta principale, se guardata col fronte attuale, ha un difetto nella parte centrale dato che il tronco è molto cilindrico e senza movimento, mentre il questo problema si dissimula ruotando il fronte. Dato che però con la pulizia del terreno non sono arrivato a liberare il piede e a capire come utilizzare bene il tronco daccordo col maestro abbiamo deciso di mantenere anche gli altri due rami in questo stile un po' ibrido.
L'anno prossimo col rinvaso valuteremo meglio il da farsi.
Per ora solo cure di rinvigorimento dato che la pianta non era in buono stato.
For the past weekend workshop at Bonsai Do Groane I've purchased this Juniper Rigida in addition of the Procumbes of which I wrote you about earlier.
It was a plant really far from attractive, but it looked fine to try a litterati style without spending too much money.
The master trunk, if watched with the actual front, has an issue in the central part; in fact the trunk appear to be too much cylindric and straight, Moving round the front this problem can be avoided, some curves appear and gives a nice movement to the trunk.
Since I cannot understand where the nebari is (the soil is too compact) according to the master we decide to choose this hybrid style for the tree, using the other two branches as new trunks.
In this way the juniper can regain some strenght during this season and the next year with the repot we can decide how to use the plant.
Now I only have to treat it right and help it to gain energy.
For the past weekend workshop at Bonsai Do Groane I've purchased this Juniper Rigida in addition of the Procumbes of which I wrote you about earlier.
It was a plant really far from attractive, but it looked fine to try a litterati style without spending too much money.
The master trunk, if watched with the actual front, has an issue in the central part; in fact the trunk appear to be too much cylindric and straight, Moving round the front this problem can be avoided, some curves appear and gives a nice movement to the trunk.
Since I cannot understand where the nebari is (the soil is too compact) according to the master we decide to choose this hybrid style for the tree, using the other two branches as new trunks.
In this way the juniper can regain some strenght during this season and the next year with the repot we can decide how to use the plant.
Now I only have to treat it right and help it to gain energy.
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